A woman visited the Master in Haifa, in May 1910. She later wrote about this visit, saying: ‘As He talked with me, I felt my heart soften under the influence of his goodness and kindness, and the tears came to my eyes. He asked me about myself, if I were well, and if I were happy. I replied to the latter question, “I have had many sorrows!” He replied, “Forget them. When your heart is filled with the love of God, there will not be room for sorrow, there will only be love and happiness.”’
She continued, ‘I cannot tell you the sweet sympathy of his voice as he said these beautiful and comforting words. Then he had the attendant bring in tea, a cup for him and a cup for me. We drank together, wishing each other health and happiness, and then he told me that he hoped he should take tea with me in the Kingdom of Heaven. “Was that not a pretty thought?) When I praised the tea, he said it was real Persian tea, and presented me with a package to take away with me.’