200 years ago in Persia, there were many with the same expectation, that the Qa’im, the promised one, would soon appear. Amongst them lived Siyyid Kazim, wise man, teacher, spiritual divine, who studied the texts of the Holy books and taught his students. He told his students that at his death, they were to leave their homes, and with hearts free from earthly desires, spread out in quest of the Promised Beloved. But when he died, his students found it easier to have long discussions, and came up with countless excuses as to why they should not arise and seek,
except for one, Mulla Husayn, who took himself to a mosque, he prayed and fasted fervently for forty days, opening his heart to the inspiration of God, begging for guidance. Then, he set out on his quest. Walking along dusty roads for many months, sleeping on the hard ground or the stone floor of a caravansary he travelled he knew not where. Guided by God, he journeyed until he came to Shiraz, that fragrant city of roses. As he stood by the gate of that city, he was greeted by a young merchant in a green turban, who welcomed him warmly and invited him to refresh himself after his journey at His house. Deeply impressed by His gentle and compelling manor, Mullah Husain thought Him to be a student of Siyyid Kazim sent to greet him. His host sent for a water jug to wash the dust from his feet, and made him tea with his own hands. Over the course of that wonderful night they spoke together. The young merchant’s name was the Báb, meaning the Gate, and He claimed to be the gateway to a new era, and the Herald of a greater Messenger of God to come. The Báb unfolded mysteries so profound and glorious that, with the dawn of the new day, so it dawned in the heart of Mullah Housain that this was the Promised One, the Qa’im, the one he sought. With a heart full of wonder and joy he arose and was the first to proclaim belief in Him.